Advocates for
Israel’s environment
We are Adam Teva V'Din
We believe that environmental rights are fundamental to human rights.
We believe in the intertwining of environment, society, human health and the economy.
That’s why we advance legislation, litigation and policies to strengthen environmental protection and build resilience to climate change.
That’s why we advocate for sustainability of development and for preservation of nature, and conservation of natural resources – for future generations.
That’s why we work to ensure all Israelis have a say in decision-making processes that affect the conditions in which we live, work, and play.
News & Updates
How budget denial harms Arab society and the environment
Suspension of the Five-Year Economic Plan by Finance Minister Smotrich withholds environmental funding to Arab Society.
Air pollution deaths in Israel surpass expectations in 2023
Government experts confirm that air pollution remains Israel’s most serious environmental health risk.
State Comptroller’s Report: A ‘fix-it’ list for EAPC-Katza
Transporting crude oil in a pipeline through areas of high environmental sensitivity demands higher standards.
Israel is in crisis.
Israel is at war. And in the midst of terror, tragedy, pain and loss, all Israelis are comforted by the steadfast support of the USA. Thank you!
There will be huge challenges to face in repairing and rebuilding. We’ll be ready in our role as national environmental watchdog, and we know you will be with us then too.
עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי - Am Yisrael Chai
"Now, when Israel is reeling from the upheavals in democracy, Adam Teva V’Din is fighting to prevent the weakening of environmental laws and protections. Our commitment to core Jewish values, our belief in environmental rights as human rights, and our years of effective advocacy – as well as our team’s steadfast dedication to our goals – will get us through."
Adv. Amit BrachaExecutive Director, Adam Teva V'Din 
"For our communities to thrive and for people to prosper, we need a healthy environment and a livable climate. To achieve that, to protect our coasts, air and water resources, and to ensure that no one is left behind, we depend on the rule of law. That’s why I’m with Adam Teva V’Din."
Tamar Gannot, AttorneyDeputy Director, Adam Teva V'Din 
"Adam Teva V'Din is my second home. This is my place to influence the country on planning procedures and development guidelines. Here, I can help people understand the rules and planning interventions in order to protect them from hazards and/or improve their quality of life. Here I can promote beach protection and sustainable transportation, prevent unnecessary development."
Yael Dori, Urban PlannerHead of Planning, of Adam Teva V'Din 
"I believe that protecting the environment should be in the unifying and common interest of all human beings. This is an ancient moral duty written as a commandment to the first man in the book of Genesis: " tend to it and to guard it, for if it spoils, no one will repair it, after you."
Meirav AbadiAttorney, Adam Teva V'Din 
"Advocacy for best practices in land use is an uphill struggle. Some of my cases involve over a decade of court hearings in order to reach the Supreme Court. Securing presidential rulings that keep the beaches open and new housing off contaminated land is worth the effort."
Eli Ben AriLegal Advisor, Adam Teva V'Din 
"I believe I have a moral obligation to act as much as I can to leave my children a slightly better world than the one I got from my parents. Working with Adam Teva V’Din to reduce air pollution is part of that commitment."
Dr. Arye VangerChief Scientist at Adam Teva V'Din 
"The mirror of any culture is how it relates to its 'waste’. My dream is that future generations will know little of our wasteful and inconsiderate culture because we’ll not leave our waste behind."
Amiad LapidotHead of Solid Waste at Adam Teva V'Din 
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