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Land use planning in Israel involves a complex set of challenges due to our socio-economic, environmental and geographical conditions. Adam Teva V’Din represents the public interest in planning matters as the national environmental watchdog and as representatives of the environmental movement on the Planning Authority’s key committees. 

As advocates, we have secured through the courts numerous victories, including the public’s rights of free access to municipal beaches and parks, and we work continuously to ensure that the Coastal Protection Law is updated and enforced. 

Our legal interventions have led to the overturning of housing plans on contaminated sites and forced the cancellation of expansion of polluting petrochemical industries in Haifa Bay.

As representatives of the public interest, these days we are working hard to advance Israel’s response to the climate crisis, and that measures to ensure climate resilience are integrated into Israel’s national planning system.

Planning for a better, safer and cleaner future

In terms of the climate crisis, Israel is situated in a high-risk transition zone, and we are pushing the National Planning Authority to incorporate adaptation to threats of climate change on our urban areas, transportation, infrastructure, biodiversity and waste management. We’re demanding that national planning strategies (Outline Plans) take into account climate-related rises in sea levels and and other threats to current and planned construction at the national, regional and local planning levels. The same long-term planning logic and instruments and also needed to address national recovery from the current Gaza war, to ensure that clean-up and rebuilding plans are rooted in environmental protection and sustainable planning.


of Israel's population live in urban areas
Planning in the age of climate change must focus on urban-dwellers' needs for public transport, shade, and green open spaces

1.5 million

new housing units will be need by 2040
People will need access to work, education, recreation, transport and infrastructure

1.2 meters

is the predicted amount sea levels in Israel will rise by 2050
By the end of the century the predicted rise of sea level here will be 2.4 meters

1.5 cm

of beach is what every resident would get if we all went to the beach together
Yet population growth and global warming will increase the demand for going to the beach


mature trees are estimated to be destroyed every year
In favor of construction projects

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שדה של פאנלים סולאריים ומעליו יד מחזיקה נורה

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

יד עוטה כפפה מכוסה בנפט

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