Appeal to Supreme Court against polluting waste site

Adam Teva V’Din continues to seek closure of polluting waste site.

We have filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the problematic ruling of a lower administrative court. In the case against Compost Mashoa, a waste disposal operation in the Jordan Valley, Adam Teva V’Din and 13 local residents requested that the court revoke an Outline Plan for expansion of the site, on the grounds that the business had been operating for years illegally.

The site operators claim to produce agricultural compost from unsorted household waste, yet the product is substandard, contains glass and plastic waste, and unsuitable for purpose. As a ‘producer of compost’ the owners avoid paying landfill tax on raw materials transported to the site. Its operations, we claimed in the administrative court, result in severe stench episodes because the materials are not landfilled but left to rot, spread over a wide area, causing environmental damage.

At the hearing in the lower court, the State declared that it agreed to the relief we petitioned to receive, i.e. cancellation of the Outline Plan. However, the judge deleted our petition but failed to relate the status of the pending expansion plan. We are asking the Supreme Court of Appeals to annul the ruling, so that our intervention can continue.

Glass and plastic wase are not ‘compost’

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