Weak Climate Bill passes 1st Reading

This flawed, unambitious, and anti-environmental bill allows the government to claim Israel has climate legislation. Not so, says Adam Teva V’Din.

As Israel continues to warm faster than the global average, a climate law should be a fundamental right for all citizens, yet this remains unrealized. The Knesset’s approval in first hearing of the current government’s climate bill does nothing to change this reality.

At Adam Teva V’Din, we refuse to let the Israeli public and the international community be misled by what the Environmental Protection Minister is passing off as legislation.

No proper strategy in place

Amit Bracha, CEO, points out that the bill offers no real strategy for reducing climate crisis impacts in Israel.

“The bill even ignores the recent report by State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman which revealed the extent of the government’s failures at all levels to prepare for climate change.”

“Environment Minister Idit Silman is advancing her own political agenda while catering to Israel’s highly polluting industries. The bill she is pushing even allows the government to lower carbon reduction targets at will, without parliamentary oversight.”

Attorney Amit Bracha, CEO of Adam Teva V'Din

“Moreover, by giving the finance ministry the authority to block any national carbon reduction plan solely on cost considerations, Minister Silman shows an alarming lack of concern for the potential economic costs and damage from climate-related issues.” Bracha continued.

As Israel’s environmental watchdog, we will continue to work with lawmakers and industry leaders who want to see a significantly improved climate bill before it progresses to the next readings and becomes law. We’re driven by the understanding that proper legislation ensures accountability, regardless of which government is in power.

This bill offers no real strategy for reducing climate crisis impacts in Israel.

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