
Back in 1991, Adam Teva V’Din’s founders committed to using law and science to protect Israel’s environment against harm.  

We’ve upheld that commitment by challenging any agency – government or business – whose actions directly and negatively impact on the environment.  In many cases, we’ve succeeded in applying the standard of reasonableness to our legal interventions.

It’s the principle behind our record of suing Israel’s largest industrial conglomerates and most powerful government agencies.

Our struggle to safeguard the environmental rights of all Israelis, to protect our water, air and land resources continues, whenever and wherever it’s needed.

Like all watchdogs, we are always on guard.

Adam Teva V’Din is always on the alert against mismanagement, policy failures, environmental injustices, and legislative gaps in Israel’s environmental protection framework.

Our legal actions have engineered higher environmental standards across the board, delivering legal rulings that are precedential, and our legislative proposals include two of Israel’s mainstay laws: Coastal Protection Law (2004), Clean Air Law (2011).

We keep on watching, we demand updates and improvements necessary to ensure that all of Israel’s environmental laws retain the ‘bite’ necessary to safeguard our open spaces, air, water, and natural resources.


Days of sun every year
Yet solar is only 6% of Israel's total energy supply


Early deaths every year
From air pollution - related diseases


Years of the Clean Air Law
Saved the Israeli economy NIS 115 billion


Offshore gas, 28% coal and other fuels, 6% renewables
= Israel's energy mix in 2022


Of Israel's air pollution comes from our transportation
And an estimated 27.3% of Israel’s carbon dioxide emissions (a main GHG responsible for the climate crisis) are from transportation.


Higher air pollution levels around Tel Aviv's Central bus Station than the World Health Organization recommendations
For decades, the high pollution levels in the area have been reported as harmful to both public health and the environment.

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שדה של פאנלים סולאריים ומעליו יד מחזיקה נורה

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ידיים אוחזות בשתי כפות מאזניים

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

יד עטוית כפפה מכוסה בנפט על רקע אדמה חולית

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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