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Join our virtual and in-person events

Join our exciting webinar series where Americans and Israelis come together to discuss pressing environmental issues. Engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and inspire positive change.

And if your community group is touring Israel, let us know in advance! Don’t miss an opportunity to connect and influence environmental protection in Israel.

Poster for event showing details and our vice CEO facilitating a panel

Blue Tech Summit

Join us as we discuss the importance of legislation and policy making regarding how we sustainably use and safeguard our sea.

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Poster reading, 'Emergency Townhall meeting' with event details (January 2023)

Emergency Townhall Meeting

Join us for an emergency meeting to discuss the implications of the proposed judicial changes.

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Advert for Friends of Israel's Environment, virtual event, "COP27 - What Next?". Click to re-watch.

COP27 – What Next?

Yosef Abramowitz (an American Israeli pioneer in renewable energy) in conversation with Tammy Ganot, (Attorney and Vice CEO of Adam Teva V’Din) on their reactions

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