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National Planning Authority must repeat hiring process of the director general

In our role as watchdog, Adam Teva V'Din petitioned the Supreme Court over improper conduct in hiring.

The High Court of Justice has accepted Adam Teva V’Din’s petition against the appointment of Rafi Elmaliach as the Director General of the National Planning Authority (NPA). The justices acknowledged the importance of qualified leadership at the top of the NPA and accepted that procedures for hiring Elmaliach were conducted improperly. The court issued an order that the NPA repeat the process before an appropriate committee of experienced planning practitioners, within the next six months. The court also imposed costs on the state.

The case was managed by attorney Eli Ben Ari, the legal advisor of Adam Teva V’Din, assisted by attorney Ortal Sanker. Attorney Ben Ari commented:

Attorney Eli Ben Ari

“Leadership of the NPA is pivotal to Israel’s land use practices; planning decisions must be professionally based and take into account the additional risk Israel faces from the climate crisis. Adam Teva V’DIn continues to stand guard so that influential land-use leadership appointments are made in accordance with the law.”

Qualified leadership of the National Planning Authority is essential to its capacity to make balanced decisions

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