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Central Bus Station: Victory!

Our petition catalyzes a new plan to reduce air pollution in south Tel Aviv.

Adam Teva V’Din’s High Court of Justice petition against the Minister for Environmental Protection for failing to declare the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv as an ‘area of severe air pollution’ has catalyzed essential first steps towards environmental justice for south Tel Aviv.

In the Minister’s response to the Court, she announced that Tel Aviv Municipality will prepare a comprehensive action plan of measures to reduce diesel emissions from public transit and taxis arriving, waiting, and exiting the bus station at the heart of one of Tel Aviv’s poorest neighborhoods. The neighborhood, once a thriving commercial hub, houses elderly long-term residents, poor families, and many economic migrants to Israel.

Official air quality monitoring stations confirm that air pollution values in the area far exceed legal limits under the Clean Air Law (2008). The law assigns authority to the Environmental Protection Minister to declare the area as a pollution hot spot, but only now, in response to public pessure and Adam Teva V’Din’s petiton to the High Court of Justice, has the first step been taken.

The City of Tel Aviv, which has chosen to ignore the negative impact the Central Bus Station has on air quality and public health, must now present a detailed Action Plan within six months for review of the Environment and Transportation Ministries.

At Adam Teva V’Din – where the Clean Air Law was drafted and promoted – we will monitor unfolding events and respond accordingly.

At Adam Teva V’Din – where the Clean AIr Law was drafted and promoted – we will monitor unfolding events and respond accordingly.

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