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Extension of the Plastic Bags Law 2017 is critical to reducing Israel’s plastic waste

Expansion of the Plastic Bags Law awaits Knesset Members' action.

Every year, Israelis use over 2.2 billion plastic bags, equivalent to some 4,000 bags every minute.  The 2017 Plastic Bags Law, drafted by Adam Teva V’Din, has been a huge success, reducing by 80% the number of bags handed out by the major supermarket chains. Now we’re asking for the law to be expanded.

Legislative Committee Review

This year, we drafted an amendment that extends its applicability to smaller businesses. In the last weeks of the the Coalition government we saw the bill receive a green light from the Knesset’s Legislative Committee. Drafted as a Private Member’s Bill together with Knesset Member Yorai Lahav Hertzanu, the proposal will oblige all retail outlets, large or small, to charge customers 10 agorot (about 3 cents) for each plastic bag.

Next Step: The proposal will continue its parliamentary review under the incoming 25th Knesset, which will be sworn in at the end of December, 2022.

Every year, Israelis use over 2.2 billion plastic bags, equivalent to some 4,000 bags every minute

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