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Update on the legislative journey of the government’s climate bill: the Knesset again discusses State watchdog’s audit

Knesset committees continue to review the climate bill as it inches through Second Readings.

Under the leadership of MK Mickey Levy, the State Control Committee, which oversees the State Comptroller’s auditing of government activity, reviewed the findings of the report. Adam Teva V’Din was invited to participate.

Adam Teva V’Din’s deputy director, attorney Tammy Gannot, reminded committee members that the government is pushing ahead with a legislative bill that, in reality, is a dangerous placebo and an ‘empty vessel’. Gannot told the Committee:

“The government’s bill gives the impression that ‘something is being done’ about the climate crisis, but in reality, the bill is a collection of non-binding targets that can be amended by the State. This bill has no teeth whatsoever.”

The March 2024 report, the second audit by the State Comptroller, reveals that 69% of government ministries – a significant majority – believe that the government’s handling of the climate issue is ‘not good’. Moreover, 86% of the official entities assessed admit that they have not prepared Adaptation Plans.

The Finance Ministry is supposed to coordinate and lead these actions, under the pending climate bill. Yet so far it has failed to lead by preparing its own plan,” notes Gannot, “despite the clear risks posed by climate change to the Israeli economy.”

“There is still no demonstrated leadership by the Finance Ministry in formulating a Carbon Tax, a key element in all climate response strategies.”

The Knesset’s Interior & Environment Committee was scheduled to meet Environment Minister Idit Silman later that day, for further discussion of her legislative proposal.

“…Despite the clear risks the climate crisis poses to the Israeli economy, the Finance Ministry has failed to prepare a ministerial work plan…”

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