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Plastic Free July

Be a solution to plastic pollution! Join and follow our Plastic Free July campaign on our social media channels.

Single use plastic (SUP) is a major issue that impacts us all. We at Adam Teva V’Din do all we can to create legislation and policy regarding minimizing single use plastic in Israel, especially since our consumption of SUP has doubled over the last decade and is five times that of domestic consumption in Europe! That’s why we are running a ‘plastic free’ campaign throughout July on our social media channels.

Plastic free July 2013: Be a solution to plastic pollution

Plastic Free July began in Western Australia in 2011 and has since grown into a global movement with millions of people worldwide committing to reducing their plastic pollution both during and beyond the month of July. This year’s theme is “small steps – big difference”.

Follow our social media campaign as we explain why, and give tips on how, to cut down on your single use plastic waste. What can you expect? On Mondays there is a content piece (such as the landmark Hiriya landfill, a TV show featuring our solid waste expert and a family who were ‘addicted’ (their word) to SUP, our bottle deposit law), a Tuesday tip on cutting down SUP consumption.

Wednesdays is time to measure and reflect on your waste size – a clear visual of what people collect from one day and thoughts on how that can be reduced.

“Friday feels” rounds off the week with something positive connected to that week’s content from Monday.

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Millions of people worldwide are committing to reducing their plastic pollution both during and beyond the month of July.

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