Presentation to the Knesset’s Special Committee on Young Israelis

Adam Teva V'Din presenting at Special Committee on Young Israelis.

Adam Teva V’Din is reliant on a strong Israeli Supreme Court in order to protect Israel’s environment and Israelis where they work, live and play. As an apolitical NGO, we are committed to leading the way in protecting the rights of Israelis for a clean, safe and healthy environment.

The Knesset’s Special Committee on Young Israelis is mandated to monitor and protect the interests of young people in regard to Israel’s sustainable development; civil society representatives were invited to share their position on the current judicial overhaul.

Adam Teva V’Din attorney Bar Rozov explained, “Eliminating the ‘reasonableness’ clause will have serious consequences on this and future generations and that protection of environmental and human rights will be impossible.”

She highlighted that, “It was due to the reasonableness clause that in the past the High Court ruled that beaches must be kept open and free to the public, that construction cannot take place on contaminated land and that the refineries in Haifa cannot be expanded without examining the environmental and health consequences of residents in the area.”

“Eliminating the ‘reasonableness’ clause will have serious consequences on this and future generations; protection of environmental and human rights will be impossible.”

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