News Government cuts Citizens’ Wealth Fund support for renewable energy, undermining one of the fund’s core goals 12/04/2024 Energy, Litigation, Natural Resources, Watchdog The fund was envisioned as a mechanism to ensure that the profits from natural gas extraction benefit its citizens
News The shrinking Dead Sea: recent hearing at the High Court of Justice 08/20/2024 Dead Sea, Litigation, Natural Resources, Watchdog The Dead Sea Works claims that the Concession Law (1961) exempts them from paying for water. We don’t agree and our case continues…
News Green Organizations Urge Attorney General to Block Increased Oil Deliveries in the Gulf of Eilat 08/08/2024 EAPC-Katza, Economics, Natural Resources, Watchdog The government’s plan to expand oil transport in the Gulf of Eilat threatens a unique ecosystem, with experts warning the risks far outweigh the benefits.
News Don’t fence it in 06/30/2024 Climate Crisis, Natural Resources, Planning, Watchdog We object to fencing in of the Beit Zayit lake because it will damage public access, environmental values and the ecological corridor
Blog Our lived-in environment must be lived in better! 06/23/2024 Blog, Natural Resources, Planning, Watchdog As Israel’s biodiversity dwindles, we must appreciate how human behavior is affecting the natural world around us. Adam Teva V’Din is here to help.
Update Dead Sea Works’ unpaid water bills… We’re still waiting… 06/17/2024 Dead Sea, Litigation, Natural Resources, Watchdog The State continues to postpone explaining the unpaid water bills, but time is running out.
Blog ‘Tapping’ into one of Israel’s endangered natural resources through the seder plate 04/19/2024 Blog, Legislation, Natural Resources The seder night is an unlikely yet brilliant opportunity to discuss the environment, and in particular the lowest point on Earth: The Dead Sea.
News In the Knesset: Time to limit EAPC’s secrecy 03/01/2024 EAPC-Katza, Natural Resources, Watchdog Nearly 400 public interest organizations and local government bodies call for a halt to the automatic renewal of the pipeline’s special status.
News Oil spill at Evrona: No ‘quick fix’ 03/01/2024 EAPC-Katza, Natural Resources, Watchdog Ten years after failed maintenance flooded the Nature Reserve with crude oil, there is no alternative but to remove 10,000 tons of polluted soil.
News Is rainfall a windfall? 02/06/2024 Climate Crisis, Natural Resources Israel always views rainfall as a blessing; having infrastructure in place to utilize runoff is the next step.
News Citizens’ Wealth Fund: We withdraw our petition 01/17/2024 Energy, Litigation, Natural Resources, Watchdog After the January 2024 hearing in the High Court of Justice we withdraw our petition, but will work for clarification of the law.
Blog Climate adaptation and resilience – Biblical style 12/15/2023 Blog, Climate Crisis, Natural Resources The weekly portion offers some very modern and much needed lessons on preparing for emergencies – we should be taking those on board today.