Solid Waste

Adam Teva V’Din is the driving non-government force behind development of modern solid waste management in Israel.  Our development of legislation and waste-handling strategies have transformed waste management at the national and local levels.

Our tenacious legal actions  have closed illegal and polluting landfills, removed millions of plastic bottles from our streets and landscapes, and have set new standards for municipal collection, sorting and disposal of household waste. 

Yet there are still huge challenges to overcome.


And we continue to push for implementation of the long-delayed National Strategy on Waste & Recycling.  

Israel needs to maintain momentum and to adopt separation at source of all waste nationwide, so we can reduce landfilling. Most urgent is the need for decision-makers and for consumers to  act now to reduce the volume of plastic and plastic waste in our environment and in our bodies. 



of trash on Israel's coastline is made up of single-use plastic
It’s time to change our habits


of Israel’s greenhouse gas emissions are from landfills
Including methane, the most potent greenhouse gas


of Israel’s municipal waste is organic (food leftovers, unused vegetables, etc.)
Yet our organic waste is not being treated in a way for it to be used as fertilizer or as a source of energy


of Israel’s waste is landfilled
In other OECD countries and Europe it is only 35%

5 grams

The amount of plastic - shown by research - that Israelis ingest every week
Microplastic is in our soil, sea and rivers – and our bodies

2 billion US $

The annual cost to the economy of collecting, sorting and disposing of waste
Every year another 40 acres of land is needed to keep up with landfilling


Adam Teva V’Din’s clear recommendations for how to deal with construction waste when rebuilding the Tkuma area begins.


Adam Teva V’Din’s initiative to collaborate with the Israeli Scouts to elevate drinks bottle recycling and help those directly affected by October 7.

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שדה של פאנלים סולאריים ומעליו יד מחזיקה נורה

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ידיים אוחזות בשתי כפות מאזניים

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יד עטוית כפפה מכוסה בנפט על רקע אדמה חולית

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